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Project Extradata

Lionbridge TMS

Project Extra Data

KeyTypeAppears on screen asDescriptionExamples
workflowTextNameThe workflow step of the job, displayed under the details section- Translation
- ProofReading
typeTextNameSame value as the workflow extradata- Translation
- ProofReading
check_in_modeTextCheck-In ModeDefines if check-in is mandatory or optional- Mandatory
- Optional
check_in_formatTextCheck-In FormatDefines if check-in has an expected formatSpecific
check_in_specific_filterTextCheck-In Specific FilterThe expected format of the files to be checked-in_.pdf; _.xlz
step_instructionTextStep InstructionsContains workflow step level instructions about the job
job_instructionTextJob InstructionsContains general instructions about the job
assigneeTextAssigneeDefines the person the job is assigned toJohn Doe
actual_startTextActual StartContains the actual start date of the job9/28/2020 3:16:00 PM
endClientIdTextThe id of the project the job belongs to121
idTextThe first half of the external id454921043
translation_linkTextThe URL that redirects to the online translation interface of the file, only added when check-in is not allowed

Example languages

  • en-us
  • en-gb
  • hu-hu

Lionbridge LCX

Project Extra Data

KeyTypeAppears on screen asDescriptionExamples
activityTextActivityThe scope of the job- Language Process
sub_activityTextSubactivityThe actual workflow step- Translation
- QA
is_follow_upTextContains a boolean value, whether it is a follow-up job, no cost data for such jobs- True
- False
is_minimum_fee_usedTextContains a boolean value, whether flat fee is used- True
- False
statusIntegerDefines the possible actions of the job- 2
- 3
workflowTextAdded by BeLazy in the form of activity - sub_activity- Language Process - Translation
instructionsTextDisplayed between the language pair and the analysis table in job details view
weighted_quantityDecimalWeighted quantity- 870.6
unitTextUnit of the job- words

Example languages

  • English
  • English (United Kingdom)
  • Hungarian

Lionbridge Jira

Project Extra Data

KeyTypeAppears on screen asDescriptionExamples
issue_typeTextTypeDefines the type of the issue- Package
- Translation Task
- Dropbox Translation Task
issue_keyTextKey of the issue- GO-2973608
- GO-2916384
productTextProductDefines the product of the issue- Maps
- AdWords Marketing & Sales
product_lineTextProduct lineDefines the product line of the issue- Consumer
- Monetization
project_nameTextThe project of the issue- Google
project_idTextThe id of the issue's project- 10000
content_typeTextContent TypeThe content type of the issue- UI
- Marketing
job_typeTextJob TypeDefines the job type of the issue- GTT
platformTextPlatformThe platform of the issue- POLYGLOT
po_monthTextPO monthPO month of the issue- MAY MARCOM
priorityTextPriorityPriority of the issue- URGENT
volumeDecimalVolumeRepresents the size of the issue in the given volume unit- 13.4
- 234.3
volume_unitDecimalVolume UnitUnit of the issue. Only present if it is not 'Words'- Hours
workflowTextService TypeWorkflow of the issue- Translation
- Full Post Editing
translation_linksTextArrayDocument LinksAn array of online translation links that belong to the issue-
lqe_typeTextLQE TypeDefines the type of the LQE issue- Service Score Fail
- Service Score Arbitration
lqe_reportTextDA ReportLink to the LQE report-
lqe_scoreDecimalScoreScore of the LQE issue- 0
- 98.35
lqe_instructionsTextLQE InstructionsInstructions of the LQE issue
lqe_referencesDecimalTask ReferenceReferenced issues by the LQE issue- GO-2716051
- GO-273413

Job Extra Data

KeyTypeAppears on screen asDescriptionExamples
issue_idTextID of the issue- 2106175
- 2102472
issue_keyTextKey of the issue- GO-2973608
- GO-2916384
summaryTextSummaryThe display name of the issue- 2106175 - Hungarian - gkms AdWords Marketing
translation_linksTextArrayDocument LinksAn array of online translation links that belong to the issue-

Example languages

  • en-us
  • en-gb
  • hu-hu


Project Extra Data

KeyTypeAppears on screen asDescriptionExamples
keys_countIntegerKEYSProject's status- 10
- 67
project_nameIntegerProject's title- Sample Project
- Test Project
project_typeTextKEYSProject type- localization_files
- documents
project_descriptionTextMore... > Settings > DescriptionProject description- This is a description
- Enjoy the translation with Lokalise.
project_idTextA unique identifier used by Lokalise to determine the project, not visible on the UI- 681530745faabf64d15988.70026565
- 681530745faabf64d15988.70026565
task_typesTextArrayChained tasks' type- [ Translation, Review, review ]
- [ Translation ]
workflow_stepsTextArrayIncluded tasks' step number in order- [ 1, 2, 3 ]
- [ 1 ]
words_countIntegerWORDS- 120
- 33
included_tasks_numberIntegerTasks number bundled in one project- 3
- 1
auto_close_languagesTextAuto-close languagesAuto-close languages if the related work is ready- true
- false
auto_close_taskTextAuto-close taskAuto-close task if the languages are ready- true
- false
is_offlineTextOffline translationIf true allow translators to download and upload translations as XLIFF files- true
- false

Job Extra Data

KeyTypeAppears on screen asDescriptionExamples
job_keys_countIntegerKEYSKeys number related to the task's language- 5
- 100
job_words_countIntegerWORDSWords number related to the task's language- 200
- 123
language_isoTextJob's language's Iso- en
- fr
task_idIntegerA unique identifier used by Lokalise to determine the task, not visible on the UI. This language job is related to the task that is determined by this id.- 212549
- 212555
closing_tagsTextArrayTag keys as the task is completedThe task's closing tags- testTag
- sampleTag
descriptionTextDescriptionThe task's description- This is a description
- Enjoy the translation with Lokalise.
created_by_idIntegerThe task's creator's identifier used by Lokalise, not visible on the UI- 83502
- 83511
created_by_emailTextCREATED BYThe task's creator's email address-
parent_task_idIntegerParent taskParent task's identifier used by Lokalise, not visible on the UI- 212533
- 212559
can_be_parentTextRelated task could be parent of another task- true
- false
do_lock_translationTextLock translations- true
- false
position_in_workflowIntegerThe job's order number in the project- 1
- 3
task_typeTextTask type- translation
- review
task_titleTextTitle- Test Task
- Sample Task
work_linkTextThe link that refers to the language specific translation or review-
language_job_statusTextThe language job's status, visible on the UI next to the language- created
- queued
task_statusTextThe task's status- created
- queued

Example languages

  • en
  • en-US
  • custom_10

MemoQ PM

Project Extra Data

KeyTypeAppears on screen asDescriptionExamples
user_typeTextThe user's role- PM
use_default_weights_in_bmsTextOrigin analysis item weights should be overwritten by the weights coming from the BMS- true
- false
project_typesTextDefines a project's special types- Package
- Templated
- CustomerPortal
project_linkTextLink to the project-
check_out_linkTextCheck-out link- memoq://
clientTextCLIENTAn ID or name for the client- IT
- Economy
is_templatedText- true
- false
is_customer_portalText- true
- false
is_package_creation_allowedText- true
- false
workflow_stepsTextArraySteps in the translation workflowSteps in the translation workflow- [ translator, reviewer1, reviewer2 ]
domainTextDOMAINA subcategory with the subject- Marital Law
- Professional
subjectTextSUBJECTThe project's subject or theme- General
- IT
projectTextPROJECTAn ID or name for the project- Project1
- Test Project
descriptionTextDESCRIPTIONA custom description about the project, optionally the first line defining the workflow- Translation
- T,R1

Job Extra Data

KeyTypeAppears on screen asDescriptionExamples
file_nameTextTranslations/NAMEThe file's name- test.txt
- test.docx
job_workflowTextStep name in the workflow- translator
- reviewer1
- reviewer2
translation_linkTextTranslation link-
total_quantityDecimalTranslations/#Total word count- 1200
- 5000
weighted_quantityDecimalWeighted word count- 894.67
- 900
is_sliceTextJob is just a slice of the document- true
- false
first_row_indexIntegerFirst row index, only in case of a slice- 0
- 300
last_row_indexIntegerLast row index, only in case of a slice- 299
- 500
document_idTextDocument's guid- fc083791-f624-4b1d-8c8b-7958359c89ef
slice_idTextSlice's guid, only in case of a slice- 8aca3003-6b64-eb11-96e0-000d3a3a4ee3
brief_descriptionTextSummary of the job which includes the target language, the file name and in case of a slice the first and last row index- [fre-CA] Test.docx
- [eng] Test2.txt(0-612)

Example languages

  • eng
  • eng-US
  • custom_10hun

MemoQ Linguist

Project Extra Data

user_typeTextThe user's role- Linguist
use_default_weights_in_bmsTextOrigin analysis item weights should be overwritten- true
- false
by the weights coming from the BMS
project_typesTextDefines a project's special types- Package
- FirstAccept
project_idTextID of the project- 0d55c5c3-da71-eb11-96e8-000d3a3a4ee3
document_idTextDocument's guid- fc083791-f624-4b1d-8c8b-7958359c89ef
slice_idTextSlice's guid, only in case of a slice- 8aca3003-6b64-eb11-96e0-000d3a3a4ee3
project_nameTextThe name of the project- Demo project
document_nameTextThe name of the document- Test file.txt
document_relative_pathTextThe relative path of the document- /Source file.docx
bidding_deadlineDateThe deadline until first accept assignees must respond- 2021-04-12 11:05:40.963Z
check_out_linkTextDocument check-out link- memoq://
translation_linkTextTranslation link- memoq://
allow_workflow_overlappingTextIs workflow overlapping allowed for project- true
- false
has_discussion_topicsTextIndicates whether there are discussions belonging to- true
- false
the document

Example languages

  • eng
  • eng-US
  • custom_10hun


Project Extra Data

KeyTypeAppears on screen asDescriptionExamples
statusTextStatusProject's status- New
- Assigned
project_nameTextNameProject name
ownerTextOwnerOwner's username
buyerTextBuyerBuyer's name
buyer_ownerTextBuyer's OwnerBuyer's owner's username
domainTextDomainDomain- IT
- Economy
subdomainTextSubdomainSubdomain- Marital Law
- Professional
clientTextClientClient's name- Client #1
- Client #2
cost_centerTextCost CenterCost Center- Cost Center #1
- Cost Center #2
business_unitTextBusiness UnitBusiness Unit- Americas (Brazil)
- Europe (France)
purchase_orderTextPurchase Order #Purchase Order #
user_roleTextN/AThe user can be Admin/PM or Vendor for a project- ADMIN
workflowTextN/AContains the workflow steps in order, divided by the ➝ character- Translation ➝ Revision ➝ Client review
workflow_stepsTextArrayN/AContains the workflow steps in order- [ Translation, Revision, Client review ]
internal_idInteger##- 201
mt_engineTextMachine translation engineMachine translation engine- Phrase TMS Translate (de_de, en_us), Google AutoML (fr_ch)
quotesTextN/AQuotes information in json format. When using the Phrase TMS connector in the job-based model, no quotes are provided.- [{"currency","EUR",...}]
quotes_countIntegerN/ANumber of quotes. When using the Phrase TMS connector in the job-based model, no quotes are provided.- 1
- 2
last_quote_total_priceDecimalLatest quote's total priceLatest quote's total price. When using the Phrase TMS connector in the job-based model, no quotes are provided.- 100
- 2750.5
last_quote_currencyTextLatest quote's currencyLatest quote's currency. When using the Phrase TMS connector in the job-based model, no quotes are provided.- EUR
last_quote_uidTextLatest quote's UID (identifier inside Phrase TMS)Latest quote's UID (identifier inside Phrase TMS). When using the Phrase TMS connector in the job-based model, no quotes are provided.- Z7bItdKVytbz9JNsGkd4v3
connector_behaviorTextConfigured behavior of the Phrase TMS connection in BeLazyConfigured behavior of the Phrase TMS connection in BeLazy. Value is either ProjectBased or JobBased; if the value is not present, it should be regarded as ProjectBased.- JobBased

Job Extra Data

KeyTypeAppears on screen asDescriptionExamples
external_idExtraDataTypes.TextA unique identifier used by Phrase TMS to determine the job, not visible on the UI- "1uK1K2BB0jtL
external_idExtraDataTypes.TextA unique identifier used by Phrase TMS to determine the job, not visible on the UI- "1uK1K2BB0jtL791XwfaZ7B"
translation_linkExtraDataTypes.TextThe URL that can be used to translate the file online- ""
filenameExtraDataTypes.TextFileThe file's name that related to the job- "test.txt"
statusExtraDataTypes.TextStatusThe job's status- "CREATED" - "ACCEPTED"
workflow_idExtraDataTypes.IntegerA unique identifier used by Phrase TMS to determine the workflow step, not visible on the UI- 331854 - 331855
workflow_nameExtraDataTypes.TextDisplayed in the Jobs section in the dropdown menu- "Translation" - "Revision"
workflowExtraDataTypes.TextSame as "workflow_name"- "Translation" - "Revision"
workflow_levelExtraDataTypes.IntegerPhrase TMS uses this number to specify the order of the workflow steps.- 1 - 2

Example languages

  • en
  • hu-HU


Project Extra Data

KeyTypeAppears on screen asDescriptionExamples
project_nameTextProjectProject's name- Sample Project
- Test Project
project_idIntegerProject's unique identifier- 4817d54dd2b61d2c980c7bec5e386804
- c2117744472071a0db2db02b1b52e6a5
briefingTextBriefingJob's briefing- There are some extra informations about the translation job...
owner_nameTextOwner's full name- Sam Smith
owner_user_nameTextOwner's username- s.smith
tag_nameTextJob TagJob's tag name- job-22C5101E
- job-995101E
keys_countIntegerKey's count- 120
- 33
words_countIntegerWord's count- 350
- 1000
account_nameTextAccount's name- BeLazy test account
account_idTextAccount's unique identifier- 852d644e1d0ad8b0ab14274d4a8fcaa0
- 142bd7718cb9b36872fc250da67c050a
branch_idTextBranch's unique identifier- d8368e990b4e05f2c305ec5eb526dde6
- 5f2bd4e4b83fbfcba370d8502e5d0659
branch_nameTextBranch's name- Test branch 1
- Test branch 2

Job Extra Data

KeyTypeAppears on screen asDescriptionExamples
keys_countIntegerKey's count- 120
- 33
words_countIntegerWord's count- 350
- 1000
work_linkTextLink for the translation-
job_brief_descriptionTextThe task's description- en - translation
- en - review

Example languages

  • en
  • en-GB
  • en-Dsrt-US


Project Extra Data

KeyTypeAppears on screen asDescriptionExamples
job_type_shortTextSpecification > Details > Part of "Job no." fieldThe shortened 3 letter name of the job's type- TRA
job_type_fullTextSpecification > Details > Job typesThe full name of the job's type- Translation
- Proofreading
workflowTextJob typesSame as "job_type_full"- Translation
- Proofreading
statusTextHeader > The project's status (right side)The status of the project in Plunet- In progress
- Requested
- Assigned - waiting
project_nameTextHeader > Name of the project (under Job no. and next to Customer)Project's name- Project Z
brief_descriptionTextSpecification > Details > DescriptionShort summary about the project- Arabic/Chinese - Project Z
project_announcementTextSpecification > Details > Project announcementExplanation about project announcement- Without
staff_categoryTextSpecification > Details > Staff CategoryCategory of the relevant staff member- Translator
softwareTextSpecification > Details > SoftwareSoftware used to get this job done- Phrase TMS
company_nameTextSpecification > Details > Company code (invoices)Name of the company on the invoices- Plunet LJU
work_instructionTextSpecification > Work instructionsSome instructions on how to get the job done
start_dateTextSpecification > Header > Start dateDate when the job started- 24.06.2020 17:45
modal_paramsTextData used by BeLazy

Example languages

  • English (UK)
  • English (USA)
  • German
  • German (Austria)
  • Hungarian


Project Extra Data

KeyTypeAppears on screen asDescriptionExamples
task_idIntegertask idA unique identifier used by Symfonie to determine the task- 15968095
- 15968113
order_dateDateOrder date- 1589439118180
- 1589939113182
unformatted_descriptionTextInstructionsTask's instructions without the HTML tags- Translate the source files as soon as possible.
service_tagTextService- Doc.Help.Translation
- SW.Translation.Revision
stateTextStatusTask's status- Order
- InProgress
- Completed
typeTextNameTask name- Translation
- Custom
job_nameTextJob name- Test Job 1
job_idIntegerJob ID- 1234567
lock_stateTextTask's lock state- Unlocked
- Locked
project_nameTextProject- Test Project 1
project_stateTextCurrent status if the project- Order
- Completed
positionTextContains an integer value formatted as text- 1
- 2
is_archivedTextContains a boolean value as formatted as text ("true" or "false") indicating whether the project is archived or not- false
- true
workflow_nameTextWorkflow name- Test Workflow 1
workflowTextWorkflow nameSame as "workflow_name"- Test Workflow 1
symfonie_custom_field: "name"TextCustom FieldsTask custom fields; the name after the colon is taken from the custom field name in Symfonie- symfonie_custom_field:External ID = 123456
- symfonie_custom_field:Machine Translated = false

Job Extra Data

KeyTypeAppears on screen asDescriptionExamples
discount_itemDecimalDiscountFinancial item's discount percentage- 10
- 30
job_po_numberTextPO number

Example languages

  • en
  • hu-HU


Project Extra Data

KeyTypeAppears on screen asDescriptionExamples
typeTextTypeThe type of the project- file
- live
is_privateTextPrivate projectA flag indicating whether the project is private- True
- False
project_tagsTextArrayTagsThe tags that are applied to the project- UI
- Android
descriptionTextDescriptionA short introduction of the project
long_descriptionTextExtended project descriptionA description about the project of arbitrary length
applied_tagTextAdded by BeLazy, the name of the tag that BeLazy applied after the accept- belazy_hu_tr_2021-11-03-10_55
- belazy_de_rw_2021-11-03-13_00
homepage_urlTextHomepageHomepage url of the project
instructions_urlTextTranslator Instructions URLInstructions url of the project
repository_urlTextRepository url of the project
project_idTextId of the Transifex project- o:org1:p:hello-world
- o:org2:p:project2

Job Extra Data

KeyTypeAppears on screen asDescriptionExamples
translation_linkTextThe online translation link for the project, which contains the applied tag-

Example languages

  • l:de
  • l:es-ES


Project Extra Data

KeyTypeAppears on screen asDescriptionExamples
program_nameTextProgram nameTest Localization
locale_ref_idTextLocale Reference ID- Urgent_1
- 7.5 Common Translation
project_numberTextProject numberDC_2010_P0200
project_descriptionTextProject descriptionTest Project
office_nameTextWelocalize USA
client_ref_idTextProject Ref Id1442361-TEST_REF_297285947
assumed_project_total_priceDecimalIf total price is not available for the project we try to calculate it from the analysis and the user's price list
workflow_stepsTextArrayList of workflow steps- Translation
- Copy-Edit
workflowTextProject workflow name, includes workflow steps- Translation
- Translation and Copy-Edit
weighted_word_countDecimalWeighted word count
is_minimum_fee_usedTextContains a boolean value, whether the price is a minimum fee or not- True
- False

Job Extra Data

KeyTypeAppears on screen asDescriptionExamples
workflow_nameTextTask Type- Translation
- Copy Edit
workflowTextTask TypeSame as "workflow_name"- Translation
- Copy Edit
task_idTextTask Order ID- 9972731
- 9792731
link_to_offerTextA link that refers to the offer in the origin system
link_to_taskTextA link that refers to the task in the origin system
job_falcon_po_idTextFalcon PO ID- 10
- 30
offer_idTextUnique identifier that Welocalize use to determine the offer- 1416062
- 1417362
noteTextInstructionsTranslate these files as soon as possible.
assumed_job_total_priceDecimalIf total price is not available for the task we try to calculate it from the analysis and the user's price list
urls_to_filesTextArrayWork filesWork files' translation URLs
initially_assigned_userTextAssigned UserUser that has been assigned to the task by defaultTest Translator
content_specialtyTextContent SpecialtyMarketing, General

Example languages

  • en-US
  • hu-HU
  • de-DE


Project Extra Data

KeyTypeAppears on screen asDescriptionExamples
typeTextJob Type- Translation
- Proofreading
workflowTextJob TypeSame as "type"- Translation
- Proofreading
project_nameTextProject- Test Project 1
- Test Project 2
instructions_for_all_jobsTextArrayInstructions- Instruction 1
- Instructions 2
note_for_pmTextNotes for Project Manager
note_from_vendor_to_other_onesTextNotes for Other Vendors
request_dueDateThe date when the job was requested.
memsource_edit_linksTextKey is for Phrase TMS, but for legacy reasons the name is different. [For projects that are Phrase TMS-connected] Contains the links to edit files in Phrase TMS- file.docx:
memoq_edit_linksText[For projects that are Memoq-connected] Contains the links to edit files in Memoq- file.docx:

Example languages

  • EN
  • EN-US
  • HU

Translated Net

Project Extra Data

KeyTypeAppears on screen asDescriptionExamples
po_numberTextJob IDThe unique identifier of the job11112222-33334444
translatorTextTranslatorThe translator of the jobMyCompany Ltd.
payment_noteTextPaymentNotes about when the payment should arrive
after_delivery_noteTextAfter delivery supportNotes about support expected after delivery
invoicing_noteTextInvoicingNotes about invoicing
expected_timeTextTotal time we expect you to work on this jobExpected worktime- 10 minutes
- 1 hour
workflowTextRequested service(s)Services requested by the client- Translation
- Revision
requested_serviceTextRequested service(s)Same as workflow- Translation
- Revision
rate_noteTextYour rate for this projectNotes about the job's rate (written after the rate)
analysis_noteTextWord Count AnalysisNotes about the word count analysis of the job (written before the analysis)
download_noteTextFile DownloadNotes about where to get the job files
upload_noteTextUpload the TranslationNotes about how or where to upload the translation
file_linkTextFile DownloadLink to where the job files can be downloaded (if any)
accepted_in_originTextThis is a flag value for internal BeLazy use. Accepted if set, otherwise null.
accepting_emailTextThis value does not appear on the UI but it is hidden in the html. It is the email that received the url link to accept the
salted_idTextId query parameter of the urlThe unique identifier of the job partially transformed that is used when referencing it in urls33334444-aaaabbbb

Example languages

  • English (USA)
  • Hungarian

Project Extra Data

KeyTypeAppears on screen asDescriptionExamples
submitterTextSubmitterThe name of the person who created the submissionJohn Doe
submitter_emailTextThe email address of the submitter, shown in tooltip above the
budget_statusTextBudget StatusDefines the status of the submission from the financial point of viewInvoicing available
quote_statusTextQuote StatusDefines the state of the quotes for the submissionAPPROVED
projectTextProjectThe project that the submission is a part ofProject Zero
project_ticketTextIdentifies the project4YESyxwFgA1XEuNGf2uaXMnp6891uB/q
clientTextThe customer of the projectAmazon
client_ticketTextIdentifies the client1YESfdzFgA1XEuNGf2uaXMnp6891uB/h
workflow_statusTextDefines the status of the workflow stepIn process
claim_levelTextDefines the smallest unit that can be claimed within a submission, can be either of the following three: Submission, Language, Batch- Submission
- Language
- Batch
submission_ticketTextIdentifies the submission4YESyxwCtA1XEuNGf2uaXMnpTWF1u1/q
submission_idTextSubmission IDA user friendly identifier of the submission2207675
priorityIntegerDefines the priority of the submission- 1
- 2
workflowTextContains the workflow phases in order, divided by the ➝ characterTranslate ➝ DTP ➝ Translate Review
workflow_phases_textTextSame as workflowTranslate ➝ DTP ➝ Translate Review
workflow_phasesTextArrayContains the workflow phases in an array- Translate
- Translate Review
instructionsTextInstructionsStep-by-step instructions regarding the submission
backgroundTextSubmission BackgroundGeneral information about the project and the submission

Job Extra Data

KeyTypeAppears on screen asDescriptionExamples
batch_nameTextBatch NameName of the batchBatch #1
phaseTextPhase NameWorkflow step of the batch- Translate
- Review
job_ticketTextIdentifies the batch and the phase4YESyxwCtA14xAvGuwRvHANwQhim05Uq
phase_budget_ticketTextIdentifies the phase budget4YESyxwCtA14xAvGuwRvHANwQhim05Uq
claimableTextA boolean value formatted as text ("True" if the item is available to claim, "False" if the item is already assigned to the user)- True
- False
workflowTextThe name of the workflowStandard
pricing_line_itemsTextSummary of the pricing line items in case of non-word unitProject Management:8.5%=15.91625

Example languages

  • English (United States)
  • English
  • Hungarian (Hungary)


Project Extra Data

KeyTypeAppears on screen asDescriptionExamples
workflow_stepsTextArrayInternal field of BeLazy used to identify workflow steps.-
external_project_idTextUrlThe id of the Smartling project
external_job_idTextUrlThe id of the Smartling job*THIS_VALUE_HERE
external_project_nameTextName of the Smartling projectexternal_project_name-
external_project_linkTextUrlThe url of the Smartling project
descriptionTextJob > View Details > DescriptionCustom description of the job-
included_workflowsTextArrayJob > View Details > WorkflowList of the workflows used in the job (no repetition)-
workflowTextConcated version of "Included workflows" with ', '-
job_numberTextJob list > (Left click to view details) > Job numberA (shorter) id of the Smartling job, only available to some account types-

Job Extra Data

KeyTypeAppears on screen asDescriptionExamples
parent_workflowTextJob > View Details > WorkflowName of the workflow for the job-
workflow_step_labelTextJob > View Details > StepName of the workflow step for the job-
workflow_step_indexTextInternal BeLazy field used to identify the workflow step[]:123456%7CtranslationJobUids:gec4pys0mkyw
smartling_custom_field: "custom_field_name"TextCustom field nameA Smartling custom field defined by the Smartling user-

Example languages

  • English
  • Danish


Project Extra Data

KeyTypeAppears on screen asDescriptionExamples
typeTextTypeDefines the type of the TBlue taskOrder
your_order_numberTextYour order numberThe number of the order created in the BMS.N3365ZR72VGZNOILMH5IYB3OSU
product_nameTextProduct nameDefines the product of the task- Technische Übersetzung + Lektorat - Übersetzung+Review in T5
positionIntegerPositionPosition of the order- 1 - 2 - 3
strategyTextStrategyDirect assignment, first come first served or different assignment strategy- Assignment (Pick) - Application (requires notification)
processed_byTextProcessed byDescribes who the task is processed byN/A BeLazy Kft.
order_numberTextOrder numberThe content type of the issue- 200.0001596 - 200.0001813
order_nameTextOrder nameDefines the name of the orderTest_Transline Deutschland GmbH [TBlue Test Across Belazy 15.09.2022 3 languages] 15.09.22 16:18
project_managerTextProject ManagerThe name of the project managerJanet Lehmann
workspaceTextWorkspaceThe Transline entity that orders the workTransline Deutschland GmbH
start_dateDateStart DateThe start date of the task22.07.2022 09:00 +0200
purchase_order_idTextThe ID of the purchase order for the task84309
accross_project_idTextAcross project idThe ID of the original Across project (Only defined for Across tasks)2106
accross_project_referenceTextAcross referenceA reference to the original Across project (Only defined for Across tasks)- 107855e1-2af9-4ea7-9208-554936fd1d29 - 240e510b-b97f-4585-be8a-76d21a754cf9
briefing_textTextThe briefing text for the tasknull
briefing_overview_pathTextBriefing OverviewA path to the briefing overview of the task
briefing_countIntegerBriefing countBriefing count0
briefing_categoryTextBriefing categoryBriefing categoryTrados Translation & Proofreading
task_typeTextCAT-ToolThe type of the task in TBlue- Translate5 - Trados - Across - CATless
is_reworkTextReworkIndicates if the task is a rework task (after a quality analysis) or not- True - False
translate5_task_urlTextCopy task linkThe Translate5 URL of the task (Only defined for Translate5 tasks)

Example languages

  • en_GB
  • de_DE
  • en_US


Project Extra Data

KeyTypeAppears on screen asDescriptionExamples
creator_idIntegerThe id of the user used by Crowdin who created the task- 10
- 67
creator_usernameIntegerCreated byThe name of the user who created the task- Peter Smith
creator_emailTextThe email of the user who created the task. Visible only if the user configured in BeLazy has admin rights in Crowdin-
descriptionTextDescriptionTask description- This is a description
- Enjoy the translation with Crowdin
translation_urlTextEditor urlA editor URL of the task-
words_countIntegerWordsTask words count- 47
- 542
buy_urlTextBuy URL-
files_countIntegerFilesFiles number included in one task- 4
- 1
comments_countIntegerMessage iconComments number included in one task- 23
- 16
project_nameTextProject nameName of the parent project- My project
project_descriptionTextProject descriptionProject description- This is a project description
- Enjoy the translation with Crowdin.
project_workflow_idIntegerId of the project workflow- 2
- 6
project_workflow_nameTextWorkflowUnion of project workflowstep names separated with ';'- true
- false
external_project_idTextIDId of the parent project- 577125
analysis_idTextId of a cost estimation report started during acceptance. The report result is downloadable only for a few hours from Crowdin API with this ID.- f5979369-320f-47b6-9557-0c7134eccde1
- a7084272-f886-4534-8abf-96b21a86fcf2
is_assigned_to_meTextMembersTrue if a specific task is assigned to the BeLazy user, false if it's unassigned or assigned to someone else- true
- false
typeTextTypeLocalization type of a task- Translate
- Proofread
time_range_startDateStrings modifiedDate the task contains strings from- 2023-04-12 11:05:40.963Z
time_range_endDateStrings modifiedDate the task contains strings from- 2023-06-12 11:05:40.963Z
workflow_step_nameTextWorkflowThe workflow step name the task created for- true
- false

Example languages

  • en
  • en-US

XTM Linguist

Project Extra Data

KeyTypeAppears on screen asDescriptionExamples
project_idTextProject's idThe project's id- 6872
file_idTextFile's idA file's id- 6873
workflow_instance_idTextWorkflow's instance idWorkflow's instance id- 6873
job_idTextJob's idA job's id- 6873
gang_idsTextInside a project it has gang idsInside a project it has gang ids- 6873 - 6784
target_language_idTextTarget language idTarget language id- 6873
step_reference_idTextWorkflow's step reference idA workflow's step reference id- 6878
roleTextRole of the userRole of the user- Linguist
workflow_stepTextWorkflow stepThe workflow step for the task- Translation - Correct
job_stateTextJob stateThe state of a job-
project_descriptionTextProject descriptionA project's description- This project is about doing xyz.
project_nameTextProject nameA project's name- Test name
file_nameTextFile's nameA file's name- Translate.xliff
actor_typeTextA file's name- Translate.xliff
translation_urlTextA general url for tasks-
user_typeTextThe user's roleThe user's role- Linguist

Example languages

  • eng
  • eng-US
  • hun


Project Extra Data

project_idTextThe project's id- 6872
project_nameTextA project's name- Project X
translation_urlTextUrl of projects-
project_descriptionTextThe project's description- This project is about xyz.
workflow_stepTextWorkflow step- translate
subjectTextSubject of project- Engineering
min_target_language_statusTextMinimum target language status- English (UK), Translate 1 German (Germany), Translate 1
max_target_language_statusTextMaximum target language status- English (UK), Translate 1 German (Germany), Translate 1
user_typeTextType of the user- ProjectManager
target_languageTextTarget language of the project- en_GB
gang_idsTextThe gangIds of the project, usually means fileIds- 6567
- 6592
group_idTextId of the target language group of the project- 6525
file_ids_with_workflow_steps.XXXXTextXXXX is the fileId in the key which is the gangId, and it contains its workflow step ids which are unique for each file- 6573
- 6576
- 6570

Job Extra Data

file_nameTextThe file's name- test.txt
- test.docx
gang_id_for_pricing_itemTextGang id for pricing items- 2385
group_idTextId for the group in xtm- 2334
workflow_stepTextThe workflow step- Translation
project_idTextThe projects id- 2344
target_languageTextThe target language of the project- en_GB
translation_urlTextThe url of projects-
total_quantityTextTotal word quantity- 380
weighted_quantityTextWeighted word quantity- 380
workflow_step_id_for_pricing_itemTextWorkflow step id- 6573

Example languages

  • eng
  • eng-US
  • hun


Project Extra Data

KeyTypeAppears on screen asDescriptionExamples
external_project_idIntegerExternal project IDThe project ID in WorldServer- 54663
project_group_idIntegerProject group IDThe project group ID in WorldServer- 31846
project_nameTextProject name- Example Project
project_descriptionTextProject description- Test Project
project_typeTextProject typeThe name of the project type- Translate marketing for Quebec
scoping_modeTextScoping modeThe name of the scoping configuration used for the project. A scoping configuration is a collection of ranges that describe the quality of a match.- STUDIO
cost_model_nameTextCost modelThe name of the cost model used for the project. Project costs are determined based on the cost model. Can be empty if a cost model is not set for a WorldServer project.- Test cost model
project_creation_dateDateProject creation dateThe creation date of a project- 2024-01-24T06:25:33.841Z
worldserver_custom_file_attribute:file_attribute_nameTextArrayThe internalName values of custom project attributes of FILE type- key: worldserver_custom_file_attribute:referenceMaterial
- value: ["attr1041-9148660270343290855_Screenshot 2024-01-24 at 11.41.00 AM.png"]
worldserver_custom_attribute:attribute_nameTextCustom project attribute values for all attribute types other than FILE- key: worldserver_custom_attribute:TranslationDueDate
- value: 2024-01-25T22:00:00.003Z

Job Extra Data

KeyTypeAppears on screen asDescriptionExamples
creator_usernameTextCreator usernameThe username of the creator of the task
creator_idIntegerCreator IDThe user ID of the creator of the task- 4891
creator_emailTextCreator emailThe email address of the creator of the task (this is an optional field in WorldServer, so this can be empty)
task_creation_dateDateTask creation dateThe creation date of a task- 2024-01-22T10:52:54.861Z
- 2024-01-23T15:59:27.352Z
task_idIntegerTask IDThe ID of a task in WorldServer- 22076165
- 22076164
task_step_idIntegerTask step IDThe ID of the current step of a task in WorldServer- 1339
- 1345
task_statusTextTask statusThe status of a task in WorldServer- EXPORTED
task_commentTextComment- Exported asset(s) to WSXZ
task_detailed_commentTextDetailed Comment- Step Retrieve Content assigned to Remote Client.
source_asset_nameTextSource assetThe name of the source asset in the origin system- [899252]src%2Fnls%2Fcommon.tcc.xml
target_asset_nameTextTarget assetThe name of the target asset in the origin system- [899251]src%2Fnls%2Fe-sign.tcc.xml
task_workflow_nameTextWorkflow nameThe name of the workflow type used for the WorldServer project- Automatic: MT+PE
- Standard-PDF
workflowTextWorkflow stepThe name of the current workflow step- Translate
- Layout Control

Example languages

  • fr_CA
  • it_IT


Project Extra Data

project_idTextThe project's id- 6872
project_guidTextA project's guid- 6782-3245xyz-abc2324
attachment_idsTextArrayAttachment ids- 3245,5678
attachment_guidsTextArrayAttachment guid's- xyz-32f3-48ad, abc-44b5-67cd
document_nameTextName of the translatable document- Example.docx
descriptionTextProject's description- This project is very important.
subjectTextSubject of project- General

Job Extra Data

task_guidTextThe task's guid- 2345-fe23s-4242315xyz
partitionTextPartition of a task- 1
partition_idTextPartition id of a task- 422233
total_quantityTextTotal quantity of words- 42
weighted_quantityTextWeighted quantity of words- 16
document_nameTextName of the translatable document- Example.docx

Example languages

  • eng-usa
  • hun-hun