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Webhooks and callbacks in BeLazy

Opportunity and project webhooks

BeLazy can send webhooks when a new opportunity or a new project is ready for processing by the BMS Integration use case.

You can configure two different webhooks, one for new opportunities and one for new projects, using the Manage my business management system command in the Profile menu.

The webhooks are only fired once the opportunity or project is ready to be processed. For example, certain translation management systems require that BeLazy runs the analysis, they do not automatically perform this operation at all times. You will only receive the opportunity webhook once the analysis is finished and available. Project webhooks are only fired once the files are available for download from BeLazy, and the project has been successfully mapped - even if that requires that first the user logs in to the interface and resolves red flags.

Workspace Api callback

The Project Ingestion use case sends content for translation. Therefore it is logical to receive a callback when the translation is finished and the project can be picked up. You can programmatically configure a callback URL and headers when you create a workspace. When the delivered files are ready to be downloaded, BeLazy sends a notification via this webhook.